Think for a minute of a place you love to be--
it could be a park, grandma's house, church, ice cream shop,
the mountains, the lake, maybe at a friends, home,
anywhere--you decide.
So why do you like to be there? Is it because of the company? The peaceful feeling? The good food? You feel like yourself there?--what is it that makes you long to be there?
When I moved to Pennsylvania after high school, I learned one place I love to be. Although I had place to come home to, with people I loved and who loved me--it was never home. I remember the first time I went home to Utah after 6 months of being away. (sigh). I remember walking in and feeling as if my spirit knew this was home. I love to be there because my dad always helps me keep my life in perspective, mom teaches me to laugh--enjoy life, my brother Tommy teaches me to love unconditionally. I am who I am there--its me, don't have to be anyone else. So do you still have that place in mind? Hold on to that thought..........
Do you know what a temple is? The temple is a literal House of the Lord here on earth. We go there to make promises to God--where we prepare to be like Him--where families can be together forever. The best feelings I have ever experienced in my life were in the temple. I was 20 years old at the time I realized the peace I could feel in the temple and how real it was. I had become really close to a friend. We started talking about marriage and it just didn't feel right. As much as I wanted it to work out I knew that it wasn't the plan that Heavenly Father had for me at the time. I felt like I was falling away from who I needed to be and reaching for something so far away. I prayed and prayed and prayed--my answer was to break it off. Ouch-it was painful to even think about, but deep down I knew I should. I remember my mom on the other line of the phone suggesting that we go to the temple everyday in December. I woke up the next day, which happened to be the 1st of December, I felt sick--nothing was going to stop me, I went anyways. Everyday following I went--sometimes for a few minutes & sometimes for hours. Without a doubt I always walked out feeling so at peace and I felt like each time I went--God was mending me. I would go; sit, ponder on life, pray, write in my journal--just be with my Heavenly Father and He helped me to heal. I did heal. It was like I was able to see more of an eternal perspective, I felt literal peace at a time when most would feel the most heartache. If you have not had the opportunity to learn about the temples--please take the time to do it. I know that it will help you feel peace.