Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Where can I turn for peace?

Think for a minute of a place you love to be--
       it could be a park, grandma's house, church, ice cream shop,
                       the mountains, the lake, maybe at a friends, home,
                                                                          anywhere--you decide.
So why do you like to be there? Is it because of the company? The peaceful feeling? The good food? You feel like yourself there?--what is it that makes you long to be there?

When I moved to Pennsylvania after high school, I learned one place I love to be. Although I had place to come home to, with people I loved and who loved me--it was never home. I remember the first time I went home to Utah after 6 months of being away. (sigh). I remember walking in and feeling as if my spirit knew this was home. I love to be there because my dad always helps me keep my life in perspective, mom teaches me to laugh--enjoy life, my  brother Tommy teaches me to love unconditionally. I am who I am there--its me, don't have to be anyone else. So do you still have that place in mind? Hold on to that thought..........

Do you know what a temple is? The temple is a literal House of the Lord here on earth. We go there to make promises to God--where we prepare to be like Him--where families can be together forever. The best feelings I have ever experienced in my life were in the temple. I was 20 years old at the time I realized the peace I could feel in the temple and how real it was. I had become really close to a friend. We started talking about marriage and it just didn't feel right. As much as I wanted it to work out I knew that it wasn't the plan that Heavenly Father had for me at the time. I felt like I was falling away from who I needed to be and reaching for something so far away. I prayed and prayed and prayed--my answer was to break it off. Ouch-it was painful to even think about, but deep down I knew I should. I remember my mom on the other line of the phone suggesting that we go to the temple everyday in December. I woke up the next day, which happened to be the 1st of December, I felt sick--nothing was going to stop me, I went anyways. Everyday following I went--sometimes for a few minutes & sometimes for hours. Without a doubt I always walked out feeling so at peace and I felt like each time I went--God was mending me. I would go; sit, ponder on life, pray, write in my journal--just be with my Heavenly Father and He helped me to heal. I did heal. It was like I was able to see more of an eternal perspective, I felt literal peace at a time when most would feel the most heartache. If you have not had the opportunity to learn about the temples--please take the time to do it. I know that it will help you feel peace.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Think LIFE--What is the purpose? Where did I come from & why? What happens when I die? Can my family be forever? Will I go to Heaven? Does God still speak to us today?

I know that God has a plan for me. He has a plan of happiness for all of us. We are His children and He loves us. Because of that love He has given us answers to these questions we have in life.  I know that even though this is a plan of "happiness" we will still experience sadness, grief, guilt--but why? That's how we grow. If we didn't know the bad, we couldn't understand the good. I love sports; running, basketball, football, you name it-I like it. How would a game of basketball go if there was no other team, no defenders, no blockers--it would be easy and pointless, right? Although people still get injuries in sports it doesn't stop them from playing. We will have trials, fumbles, & interceptions, but we must not give up. I know that God is always there. I know that because I have really searched for Him myself.

Check out
                     ---God's Plan of Happiness

"Happiness is the object and design of our existence." -Joseph Smith

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just keep Swimming.................

Two frogs fell into a deep milk bowl.
One frog was on optimistic soul,
but the other took the gloomy view,
"We'll drown," he cried without more adieu, and with a last despairing cry,
he flung up his legs and said goodbye.
Said the other frog with a merry grin,
"I can't get out,
        but I  won't give in.
I'll just swim around 'til my strength is spent then will I die with more content". So bravely he swam until it did seem, his struggles began to      churn the cream.
On top of the butter he finally stopped,
out of the bowl he gaily hopped.
              What of this moral?
'tis easily found
If you can't get out, keep swimming around.

James 5:11 says,
            "Behold we count them happy which endure.
                                       --Behold we count them happy who just keep swimming.
Thats what we are asked to do; endure to the end. Even though we don't know the outcomes, God does. I know that Heavenly Father always makes a way.  That is why Jesus Christ came to earth was to make a way for us to get back. I have had so many times in my life where I felt like it would just be easiest to give up, throw in the towel, & bid adieu--but I had faith Christ would be there. And He was. Sometimes life seems overwhelming & tireing, but hey, if we keep on swimming we are building some pretty strong muscles. Christ* endured it all, swim to him. He loves you--and He always will.